Melbourne Drumming Academy services Mernda/Doreen/Whittlesea and surrounding suburbs but also welcomes clients from all over Melbourne. In person lessons are taught by our Principal drum teacher: Christian Nativo based in the suburb of Mernda. Online multi-camera angle drum lessons, coaching and mentoring is also available using Zoom.
Christian builds a completely customised curriculum based around the student’s strengths as well as addressing areas for improvement while maintaining a fun and engaging drumming program.
He uses many different teaching methods depending on the student's learning style (including his own proprietary drumming syllabus with pre-recorded online video library of all beats and exercises for students to reference at home) as well as implementing all relevant theory with a fun and positive twist. When a student has appropriately developed their drumming skills, Christian then offers the opportunity for students to learn songs to assist with developing the building blocks and fundamentals to then move on to playing in bands and ensembles. This is Christian's method for providing the most well rounded and inspiring learning outcomes for all students.
Christian also offers exam opportunities through both ANZCA and AMEB Rock School organisations. Exams are a fantastic way for students to consolidate their skills, build stagecraft and performance experience and further develop discipline/resilience.
Christian records audio sections of each lesson to send to students (if over 18) and/or parents (if under 18) to reference and facilitate home practice. Christian also sets weekly practice tasks for students in their Drumming Practice Diary so each student knows exactly what and how to practice each week, guaranteeing maximum productivity.
Each student's branded A4 Practice Diary also has a weekly practice log where students are able to record and monitor their practice to assist with accountability and motivation.
Some topics that Christian's drum lessons focus on are:
Developing strong fundamentals and technique
Introduction to basic Rock Beats and Fills for beginners
Developing timing and playing to a metronome
Learning how to play along with songs and stay in time
Developing dynamics and then being able to implement dynamics in the student's playing
Different Styles of music (Rock, Latin, Jazz, Country, Blues etc)
Developing a strong drumming vocabulary that encourages the student to build their own sound
Applying existing drumming skills into a real band situation (how to play for the song)
All students receive a free drumming method book, practice diary and a free pair of drumsticks upon enrolling ($60 value)
(Valid Working with Children Check and trained in current Victoria's Child Safe Standards)